7 DevOps Roles and Responsibilities in Effective Teams

DevOps team other roles and responsibilities

“According to research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer and IT jobs are expected to grow DevOps Engineer (AWS) job much faster than average from 2023 to 2033, with a projected 356,700 job openings annually.” Flexible customization of modes and exceptions is possible if automatic scripts are executed at the granular level. Another security process that reduces potential vulnerabilities by strengthening the system configuration is system hardening. This aspect of DevOps saves developers a lot of time by excusing them from doing manual labor.

DevOps team other roles and responsibilities


This helps to optimize operational costs at large and it helps DevOps to implement practices like CI and CD monitoring. They try to maintain security to be at utmost safety so that the system does not malfunction after a certain period. Security professionals ensure not only the quality but also the security issues which might put them under certain threats. They also far sight at risk management issues and analyze the delays and risks and ensure a smooth process of production.

  • Other popular tools in this category include GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI, and Travis CI.
  • DevOps advocacy is often undervalued or overlooked entirely, but is arguably the most important role of a DevOps engineer.
  • At first, your team will likely struggle to maintain a perfect combo of all the best practices used to create the right DevOps team.
  • They continue to work with customers to get a better idea of user needs and deliver more value with each new product release.
  • DevOps teams are usually made up of people with skills in both development and operations.
  • The product manager role provides unique cross-functional value by translating the needs and pain points of business systems teams into actionable tasks for the engineers.

Resource management

DevOps team other roles and responsibilities

The DevOps evangelist will typically have a strong technical background, but the focus of the role is on interpersonal communication and process improvement. The Splunk platform removes the barriers between data and action, empowering observability, IT and security teams to ensure their organizations are secure, resilient and innovative. As a team lead, platform managers play a leading role in recruiting the right fit for the platform team and driving overall performance to meet organizational goals. The platform services, managed by the platform team, are offered through self-service and automation, which enables autonomy and speed for the business system teams to manage the entire lifecycle of services.

DevOps team other roles and responsibilities

Cross-functional teams/ squads

  • Right from the service desk to operations and development, everyone should be responsible and linked with tickets raised so that they are updated with the happenings in the infrastructure.
  • There is evidence that a company has faced certain issues to make a traditional Agile setup.
  • The XA specialist works on the principle of quality assurance but is heavily connected to the customer experience and ease of use.
  • These platforms offer scalable infrastructure and services, enabling organizations to deploy and manage applications efficiently.

In the last couple of years, the demand for experienced DevOps engineers has surged across the US. The same site lists just 71K actual DevOps engineers Web development (a good portion of whom already have a well-paid job). Systems architects who understand these requirements play an important role in a DevOps organization.

This is a tested method in the US and has facilitated DevOps operations to reach great heights. Hence, companies have to pay utmost attention to every team member to learn the concept of DevOps within a given time period. The approach involves building larger applications from smaller, loosely connected components. You can deploy or change these services independently, while the rest of the application remains usable. With microservices, you can scale up your application in small increments while maintaining high reliability and availability. Together with Kubernetes and infrastructure as code, microservices can save you a ton of money on maintenance and time for developing new features.

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